FocusVape Tourist Dual Mode Wax and Dry Herb Portable Vape
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FocusVape Tourist Dual Mode Wax and Dry Herb Vaporiser Kit
Unique and Satisfying
What FocusVape say:
Tourist focusvape is a 2 in 1 Vaporiser meaning it can handle both herbs and concentrates. While most of the time multi-functional units tend to not do either function particularly well, the Tourist Focusvape defies this trend offering an excellent, water filtered, session for herbs and concentrates alike. For vaporizing dry herbs there is a replacement Dry Herb attachment which you screw onto the base of unit – the battery. If you prefer vaporizing waxes over herbs attach the wax attachment to the base and use water filter for the inhalation.
Whenever you change the “dry herb” mode to the “wax mode” you must flip the switch to the “wax” mode. The smart system can recognise if your settings don’t match with the attachment – this way it can work perfectly for both modes.
The Tourist offers a wide range of temperatures to choose from – you can vaporize dry herbs up to 240°C if you want huge clouds, so you can hit the best temperature you want. Waxes could be heated up to 410°C.
- Changeable 18650 2,500 mAh battery
- OLED display
- Temperature range for each mode:
- Unique water bubbler for each mode
- True temperature control
- Magnetic Base which allows the Tourist to stand still while you enjoy it.
- Works for both Dry Herb and Wax with the touch of a button!
- 2 different attachments for each method (Dry and concentrate)
- Botanical dry herb mode: 10-15 cycles of vaping on one single charge
- Concentrate / wax mode: 20-25 cycles of dabbing on one single charge
What Forbidden Fruitz say:
The Tourist is able to achieve a unique and satisfying session for both dry herbs and concentrates. Its fantastic for either. Temperature controls allow you to modify heat direct from the device, All around this is a fantastic compact unit that really packs a punch.