We all know Peppermint can save the day when your out and about with undesirable bad breath but did you know peppermint possesses many more medicinal values than you may think?. It has been reported that 80% of the worlds population use some kind of plant for medicine.
Image courtesy of WiseGeek.com
Peppermint is thought to be a natural hybrid of spear mint and water mint and its medical properties have even been traced back to ancient egyptian times. since its discovery it has been used all over the world as a culinary and medicinal herb.
Peppermint is found in lots of dietary supplements and skin preparations and has been used to treat: Irritable bowl syndrome, colonic spasm and gas, Gastric emptying disorders, functional dyspepsia, Infantile Colic, Tuberculosis, Hay fever, Memory problems and has even been reported to help inhibit the growth of prostate cancer.
Peppermint can be taken in a tea, a tincture, fresh or dried, Vaprorized, put in capsules and as a essential oil. peppermint oil can be used to kill salmonella, MRSA and other Bacteria
So the next time you wake up in the morning and step into the bathroom to brush your teeth remember Peppermint can be used for all kind of things.